Le CPUC a approuvé le remboursement de $120 millions à un grand nombre de consommateurs de SDG&E suite à une estimation de la consommation trop élevée. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has approved a refund of $120 million to customers of San Diego Gas and Electric Co. (SDG&E) as a result of an over-collection of funds needed to pay for the cost of electricity.
The over-collection is in SDG&E's Energy Resource Recovery Account (ERRA), which was established by the CPUC to record investor-owned utilities' fuel and purchased power revenues against actual recorded costs. The CPUC says the over-collection is attributable to lower-than-expected fuel-cost expenses and higher-than-expected refunds from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
Refunds will be made to customers in the form of a one-time bill credit beginning Sept. 1. Most credits will range from $15 to $25, with some customers receiving more than $100, depending on their energy usage and climate zone. SOURCE: CPUC