HSBC vient de lancer à HongKong la Green Credit Card. Selon l'acteur engagé Leonardo Di Caprio pour le lancement, la seule qu'il faut désormais avoir dans sa poche. Cette carte bleue verte permettra aux usagers d'affecter 0,1% de leurs dépenses à un programme de végétalisation des toits des écoles de la ville de HongKong. HSBC in Hong Kong is helping environmentally-conscious customers put their good intentions to practice - even when spending with their credit cards. Green Credit Card customers will be contributing to the setting up of green roofs in a number of schools in Hong Kong, as HSBC will donate an equivalent sum of 0.1% of cardholder spending to the HSBC Green Roof for Schools programme.
Par ailleurs, les relevés bancaires associés à cette carte ne seront plus édités sur papier mais transmis par Internet afin d'économiser le papier. Et, le plastique dont est fait la carte ne contient pas de chlore.
HSBC in Hong Kong is helping environmentally-conscious customers put their good intentions to practice - even when spending with their credit cards. With the Bank's first Green Credit Card, customers will be using a card made of PET G, a chlorine-free material and receiving e-statements to help cut down on paper consumption. They will also be contributing to the setting up of green roofs in a number of schools in Hong Kong, as HSBC will donate an equivalent sum of 0.1% of cardholder spending to the HSBC Green Roof for Schools programme.
- Contribute to green causes every time you make a purchase - HSBC will donate 0.1 % of your spending to the "HSBC Green Roof for Schools" programme that helps to improve the environment
- Receive a monthly e-Statement to reduce paper consumption
- Enjoy Green rewards and offers reserved exclusively for Green Credit Cardholders
- Enjoy exclusive privileges offered by HSBC Visa Platinum

HSBC Green Roof for Schools Programme
Initiated by the Hongkong Bank Foundation in collaboration with The University of Hong Kong, the HK$5 million Programme will create green outdoor classrooms for teachers and students in selected schools in Hong Kong.
- Increase green space in schools which often lack ground-level open space or gardens.
- Reduce school building temperatures and combat the “urban heat island effect” (ie the phenomenon of urban temperatures being higher than temperatures in the surrounding rural areas) which should reduce air conditioning use.
- Improve air quality in the city. The lawn surfaces can help filter and absorb dust particles and other harmful air pollutants.
Déjà, la Barclays ou encore la banque américaine GE Money avaient lancé une carte similiaire. Celle de GE Money permet par exemple d'affecter 1% du montant de leurs achats à des projets de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre.
Rien en France… ou presque
Et en France, seule existe la carte Agir du Crédit coopératif, permettant de verser 6 centimes d'euro à des associations humanitaires et écologiques à chaque retrait effectué dans un distributeur de billets.