Les Californiens ne sont pas satisfaits par le déploiement des smart meters de PG&E. L’industrie du secteur s’en inquiète.
Pacific Gas and Electric Co. isn't the only utility installing smart meters in California. But it's racking up the most complaints, by far. As of July 31, state regulators had received 4,169 complaints from PG&E customers about the wireless electricity and gas meters, questioning their accuracy and possible effects on human health.
Southern California Edison customers, in contrast, filed 152 smart meter complaints with the California Public Utilities Commission. Customers of San Diego Gas and Electric Co. filed just 78 complaints. The difference could be due, at least in part, to the size and timing of each utility's smart meter program. PG&E, based in San Francisco, has more customers than any other California utility and was the first in the state to start installing the advanced meters.
Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/08/24/BU9M1F0U5P.DTL#ixzz0xgoN5rkx